Micro Grants by The Sidhwa Trust

The Sidhwa Trust

The Sidhwa Trust is a small Charitable Trust which seeks to ameliorate distress by grants ranging from Rs 10,000 to Rs 1,00,000. Its main charitable activities in the past were on contributing to medical expense in deserving cases, relief for those who are in financial distress and for educational support, where needed. In the present Covid scenario its primary focus will be on alleviating hunger and helping to provide nutritional security to those in need and secondly for the medical supplies.

Support is available for NGOs, Individual Volunteer doing community work and Individuals seeking support either for themselves or for their loved ones.

Region Covered

All India

Amount of support available

Rs 10,000 to Rs 1,00,000

Form to Apply for Support

Please use the right form to apply.


Application deadlines

First Deadline 15th June 2021
Final Deadline 30th June 2021